ICT Resource Center
Information and Communication Technology has tremendous impact on curriculum change. Now, the education system is more technology based rather than theory oriented. Even, the demand of skilled TEACHER in the era of globalization has increased the demand of Information and communication technology. Digital India mission also may change the destiny of India..Keeping this in mind the college focuses on training students in using technology effectively in the classroom for the last few years.. For this purpose the college has a well equipped ICT Resource Center where the college provides first hand experiences of latest technological devices such as Interactive board, Wi-Fi internet, Printer, Scanner, Over Head Projectors Television, DVD Player, Models, Charts, Maps, Transparencies, CDs, Slides, and Flash Cards etc. The students are acquainted with the knowledge, use and working of various audio-visual equipments. The students also prepare transparencies, Power Point presentations, Charts and Models in their teaching subjects .
The main focus of the institute is to provide latest technological orientation to its pupil teachers so that they can successfully adjust themselves in their job environments.